Chrome Font Changed Suddenly
The font used to display my yahoo mail inbox changed all by itself to something awful. You just need to follow me. Your Next Lesson It's all about the Hashtag What's Your input language just changed. Chrome font changed suddenly . My font suddenly changed and it's awful. Yahoo mail inbox font changed spontaneously. Posted by 1 year ago. Google chrome font size suddenly changed on iphone. Gill sans is causing a particularly big headache. Suggestions included disabling cleartype, changing directwrite on chrome://flags, installing advanced font settings, or running chrome with different startup. My font suddenly changed and it's awful. If you want the default settings, i. Have been struggling with fonts changed for the worse since about 2 days ago. I thought is was google chrome browser but just realized this. I went to chrome setting. I guess chrome had decided it waited long enough for me to update so it did it on it's own. ...